For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.
Meeting minutes for 2014
Toys-for-Tots Participation 2014
Between Black Friday and December 14, 2014 we had lots of volunteers including Gordon MacPhee, Bill Pastino, Curtis Atkins, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, Mike Betts, Saki, DJ, Chuck Casey, Roger, and Max Kippenbrock. We were also joined by the "Maryland Line" Young Marines led by Mark and Robin.
In the below photo, Commandant Gordon MacPhee stands with the Young Marines on November 29, 2014.

On December 6, 2014, Saki, Bill Pastino, the Young Marines, and volunteers from Coldwell Banker pose for a photo before the rain kicks in.

A total of 2368 toys were collected.
Joseph Henry Roman: December 10, 1937 to November 19, 2014
Just as we love to see new Marines join our detachment, we hate to see old ones leave. For some, leaving is voluntary. For others, they are simply being called to join their maker. In the case of Joe Roman, a founding member of our detachment, his was the latter.
The viewing was held at Witzke's Funeral Home on Sunday, November 23. About 14 members from our detachment were in attendance to pay their respects and express their condolences to Joe's beloved widow, Gloria. Service was held at the Church of the Resurrection the following day followed immediately after with internment at Crownsville Veterans Cemetery. A few of Joe's fellow Marines served as pallbearers.
To say that Joe will be missed is an understatement. He was a quiet, humble man that we could always count on to participate in events and show up to meetings. Semper Fi Joe!
Below is a much younger Joe back in the day.
Marksmanship practice
They say practice makes perfect and this is particularly true of shooting. So on November 11, 2014, a few of the guys from the detachment met at the Marriottsville Shooting Range to work on their pistol and rifle marksmanship skills.
Ellicott Mills Brewing Company Veterans Day and Marine Corps Birthday Celebration
On Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 1300 to 1600, the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company in Historic Ellicott City hosted a Veterans Day and Marine Corps Birthday Celebration. Free lunches were served to veterans. The Brewing Company also sold their famous "Semper Fi Strong Ale". A 48 inch Sony television was raffled off with proceeds donated to the Marines Helping Marines Program. Special thanks to Bill Pastino for organizing this event.
Commandant Gordon MacPhee reading the first birthday message written by General John A. Lejeune, 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps.
The Corps is full of many fine traditions. One of these is the cutting of the birthday cake.
By tradition, the first slice of cake is given to the oldest Marine present, who in turn hands it off to the youngest Marine present, symbolizing the old and experienced Marines passing their knowledge to the new generation of Marines.
- from Wikipedia - United States Marine Corps birthday ball
Tom Streib won the raffle.
New member
On October 28, 2014, we welcomed James Kenneth Savoy to our detachment. In the below photo, he is being sworn in by our Commandant, Gordon MacPhee.
On Saturday, October 25, 2014 from 1700 to closing, the detachment met at the Jessup VFW pavillion around the fire pit to enjoy camaraderie and German sausages from Binkert's in Baltimore. The menu included bratwurst, knockwurst, and hot dogs. Members also brought a dish to share. Mike Betts fixed red cabbage, Dennis prepared sauerkraut and dessert, Danny brought German potato salad, Curtis made cookies, and Gordon came with cabbage, noodles, and dessert.
Ellicott Mills Brewing Company Fall Festival
On Saturday, September 20, 2014 from 1200 to 2400, the detachment participated in the Main Street Music Festival. Volunteers included Gordon MacPhee, Mike Betts, and Bill Pastino, who met at the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company in Historic Ellicott City. A 48 inch Sony television was raffled. About 75 bands performed throughout the day. Special thanks to Bill Pastino for organizing this event.
Savage Fest
On Saturday, June 7, 2014, the detachment participated in what may be its first annual Savage Fest community festival. The perfect weather helped draw an estimated five thousand people to this event at Baldwin Common in Savage, Howard County. A table was set out to
- raise money by selling Italian sausages
- recruit new members
- inform the public about the mission of the League and SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr.
- promote the detachment scholarship
- educate the public about the Marines Helping Marines program
The morning shift was manned by Dennis Graham, Jim Lopez, Bill Swain, and Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock. Saki organized detachment participation but had his own chicken booth at the festival which he had to run.

The afternoon shift was staffed by Bill Pastino, Kevin Oliver, Mike Betts, and Chuck Casey.

Half the net profits were donated to the Marines Helping Marines program while the other half was used to fund the Bobbie Flock Memorial Scholarship.
Saki and Kip managed to obtain a few corporate sponsors. Special thanks to the following donors:
- H&S Bakery in Annapolis Junction for donating all the rolls
- Weis in Laurel for donating a $25 gift card
- Harris Teeter in Columbia for donating a $40 gift card
- Wegmans in Columbia for donating a $50 gift card
The detachment also wishes to thank Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Ellicott City for allowing us to store food at their facility and loaning us equipment.
Marines hard at work, helping James (16 years old) grow even taller.
Department of Pennsylvania Pistol Match
From Friday, May 30 to Sunday, June 1, 2014, several detachment members participated in the annual Department of Pennsylvania Marine Corps League Pistol Match. This year they were joined by MCL National Executive Director Mike Blum and past National Commandant Jim Tuohy. They had so much fun that Danny Rotondo was inspired to write this lovely poem:
The morning in May it finally arrived
For Kip and Mike with guns by their side
They strolled to the line with medals on their chest
Each other was thinking that he was the best
They looked to the left and then to their right
The line was full with men of such type
The order was given they pulled out their gun
But no bang had occurred not for either one
In the haste to prove who really was best
Their chest full of medals only their best
They forgot to do what others had done
To load up their weapons and fire their gun
In the below photo, past National Commandant Jim Tuohy chats with Mike Blum, Executive Director.

Kicking back. Left to right: Mike Betts, Mike Blum, and Danny Rotondo.
New life member
Danny Rotondo upgraded his membership from annual to life. We hope to keep him around for at least that long. On April 22, 2014, our Commandant, Gordon MacPhee presents Danny with his gold life membership card.
Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup
In March 2014, our detachment voted to terminate our participation in the Adopt-a-Highway program. We are proud to have embraced this effort for 11 years but with fewer participants, it is no longer feasible. Perhaps we will reconsider it in the future.
Number of bags of trash collected from October 26, 2002 to September 7, 2013: 534
SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment hosts Department of Maryland quarterly meeting
Each detachment is is associated with a department that is organized at the state level. Detachments meet monthly while department meetings are held quarterly. Detachments take turns hosting department meetings. On March 1, 2014, our detachment hosted the quarterly meeting at the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company in Historic Ellicott City.
SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment members arrived around 0730 to get things set up for the 0900 meeting. Tables were cleared off and rearranged, refreshments were laid out, and flags were raised. Some of the volunteers who helped out are shown below. From left to right are Kevin Oliver, Bill Pastino (co-owner of Ellicott Mills Brewing Company), Bill Brooks, and our Commandant, Gordon MacPhee. Saki and Mike Betts were also present.

One reason to hold department meetings is so the various detachments can communicate. One way this is accomplished is by setting up a table so information flyers can be passed out.

A great thing about having department meetings at this location is that there is plenty of space to hold a large number of people. The department meeting takes up the whole top floor. The auxiliary meets in the basement. Folks can enjoy drinks and a fine meal afterwards. Below are some of the Marine Corps League members waiting for the meeting to commence.