For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.
Meeting minutes for 2016
Christmas Party
On December 17, 2016, Tim and Sue Paulin opened up their lovely home to host our detachment Christmas party. We dined on a variety of culinary masterpieces and partook in Tim's home brewed beer. Attendees included Dennis Graham, Mike Betts, Bill Pastino, Kevin Oliver, Danny Rotondo, Daniel Paulin, Gordon MacPhee, DJ, and Saki.
Between Black Friday and December 11, 2016, our detachment collected 1275 toys and $700 in donations for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program at the Toys R Us in Columbia, Maryland. Generous people donated bicycles, shopping carts full of toys, and lots of cash. Special thanks to Bill Pastino for serving year after year as our detachment liaison.
Support was also provided by Coldwell Banker, Long and Foster Realtor, Fort Meade Marines, and of course Toys R Us for letting us set up in front of their store.

Bill Swain and a squared away Marine Staff Sergeant.

Former and active duty Marines work together for a common cause.

Linda Thackston of Long and Foster, Corporal William Shelly, Lance Corporal Nicholas Pratt, and Lance Corporal Nathan Daugherty bag up toys to be delivered to a storage facility.

Lance Corporals Nicholas Pratt and Nathan Daugherty with Toys R Us mascot Geoffrey.
Veterans Day and Marine Corps Birthday Celebration
On Sunday, November 13, 2016, our detachment recognized veterans and celebrated the 241st Marine Corps Birthday at the Yingling-Ridgely VFW and Auxiliary Post 7472. Food was catered by Mission BBQ. Steve Collins, Commander of the VFW, was our master of ceremonies. Author Tom Glenn spoke about the fall of Saigon and his friendship with former Marine Commandant General Al Gray. A message from the Marine Commandant and General Lejeune's birthday message were read. In attendance from our detachment were Curtis Atkins, Michael Bechetti, Mike Betts, Mike Blum, Gordon MacPhee, Saki, Ed Hall, Tim Paulin, and Kevin Oliver.
One of our guest speakers was Dr. Calvin Ball III, Howard County Council Chairperson and Councilperson of District Two.

Another guest speaker was Howard County Executive Allan Kittleman (right). He is shown with Jonathan Branch (left), American Legion Post 156 Chaplain and Member of the Howard County Veterans Commission.

Our Marine Corps birthday cake.

Our detachment Commandant Mike Betts (left) assists the youngest Marine present, Gunnery Sergeant Chris Talbot (middle) in cutting the birthday cake. The oldest Marine present, Gordon MacPhee (right) holds the first piece of cake.

Saki (right) holds a birdhouse he made that was sold in a raffle for $100 to Kimberly (left). Half of that money went to the detachment general fund while the other half went to our annual scholarship.

You'll never find a better looking group of Veterans Day/Marine Corps Birthday attendees!
Veterans Day Parade
On Saturday, November 12, 2016 (the day after Veterans Day), our detachment joined other veterans organizations in the county along with the fire department, the Oakland Mills High School Junior ROTC Color Guard, and the League of Women Voters as we all participated in the Veterans Day Parade in Historic Ellicott City, Howard County, Maryland. For more information and additional photos, see the Baltimore Sun/Howard County Times article Veterans' Day Parade in Ellicott City. In attendance from our detachment were Curtis Atkins, Mike Betts, Mike Blum, Gordon MacPhee, Saki, Ed Hall, Tim Paulin, Kevin Oliver, Stephen Kovalchik, and Bill Swain.
The parade was comprised of a mix of people and vehicles. One of the vehicles, driven by retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant Joseph Dowdle, carried a mule recoiless rifle.

Ed Hall (right) with Master Gunny (left) who positions his mule at the start of the parade route.

Mike Betts wearing his old Corps camouflage, standing next to Mike Blum.

From left to right in the back are Timothy Paulin, Kevin Oliver, Bill Swain, and Stephen Kovalchik. In the front from left to right are Curtis Atkins and Saki.

On the move.

At the end of the route, American Legion Howard County Commander Larry Killen made some opening statements. Larry is also the Chairperson of the Howard County Joint Military Council.

Howard County Executive Allan Kittleman thanked veterans for their service.
First annual American Legion Post 156 Flea Market Extravaganza
On September 17, 2016, our detachment sold hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and hot dogs at the American Legion Post 156 Flea Market. This was held at the Howard County Medical Pavilion parking lot in Columbia, Maryland. Kevin Oliver led this fundraising event. In attendance were Michael Bechetti, Tim Paulin, Mike Betts, Curt Atkins, and Saki. We also saw Ed Hall, Bill Swain, and Jerry Fay. Because of us, no flea market attendee went hungry. Profits weren't great but hey, this is the first such event. Hopefully next year will be better.
From left to right are Michael Bechetti, Tim Paulin, Mike Betts, Saki, and Kevin Oliver.

Kevin works preparing hot dogs, hamburgers, and cheeseburgers any way you like them.

Department of Pennsylvania Annual Keystone Rifle Match
On the weekend of September 9-11, 2016, the detachment participated in the rifle match at Reade Range, Pennsylvania.
Gold Star Memorial Groundbreaking
On August 15, 2016, members of our detachment participated in Maryland Governor Larry Hogan's Gold Star Memorial Groundbreaking event.
...dignitaries and others gathered outside Annapolis to break ground for a memorial monument honoring Gold Star families who bear the burden of losing a loved one in war.
Not one of them wants to become a Gold Star family, denoting that a family member has died in war.
"Thousands of Marylanders have made the ultimate sacrifice and countless others bear visible and invisible wounds of war," Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford said.
"With this monument we continue to vow never to forget the loved ones who are left behind and bear the wounds of their own," Rutherford continued. "We remember their bravery and the tremendous debt we owe them."
- from Task & Purpose - We've Broken Ground On A Memorial For Gold Star Families
From our detachment, Commandant Mike Betts is shown at the left and while Tim Paulin appears third from the right.
Kevin Oliver, Marine of the Year 2016
At our July 26, 2016 meeting, Kevin Oliver was awarded the honored title of "Detachment Marine of the Year" to recognize the hard work and sacrifices he made in the previous year. Here is his nomination writeup provided by Saki:
In the past year, Kevin Oliver has continued to be a strong presence in our detachment. It is a shame that our Marine of the Year nomination only takes into account accomplishments and activities in the previous year because ever since I joined the detachment in 2002, Kevin has been instrumental in making our detachment what it is today. He has a "take charge" attitude that embraces innovation and accepts challenges. The three words that come to mind when I think of Kevin are
- Leadership
- Inspiration
- Motivation
In the last year Kevin has
- Participated in the "Marching Through History: A Tribute to Veterans" parade.
- Worked at our annual Savage Fest fundraiser.
- Shot at the Department of Pennsylvania Pistol Match.
- Organized refreshments prior to important events.
- Spoke out strongly in favor of moving our meeting location to Ellicott City.
- Provided valuable input at meetings.
The next time you see Kevin, punch him in the arm and give him a big "Semper Fi!"

17th Annual River Hill Independence Day Parade
On July 4, 2016, our detachment joined the American Legion, Adams, Hanna, Moore Memorial Post 156 to participate in the River Hill Independence Day Parade. Shown below from left to right are Mike Betts, Timothy Paulin, Kevin Oliver, and Bill Swain.
New Members
At our June 28, 2016 meeting, we welcomed two new members: Timothy and Daniel Paulin. We hope to see a lot of this father and son team at our future events.
Fifteen Year Anniversary
With a ceremony and twenty-one hard charging Marines present, on June 23, 2001, the Howard County Detachment 1084 was awarded its charter by the Department of Maryland Commandant. Then on July 19, 2003 the detachment held a name changing ceremony where the name was officially changed from the "Howard County Detachment" to the "SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment." On June 9, 2016, Christina Hyder wrote a Balitmore Sun article about our detachment to commemorate our 15 year anniversary. See Marine Corps detachment set to celebrate 15th year. June 26, 2016 was our 15 year anniversary.
Savage Fest
On June 4, 2016, our detachment sold 157 Polish and Italian sausages made by the Laurel Meat Market at Savage Fest. This successful event was organized by Bill Swain. In the past, this has been our biggest fundraiser of the year. Participants included Bill Swain, Mike Betts, Kevin Oliver, Stephen Kovalchik, Curtis Atkins, and Dennis Graham. Special thanks to our sponsors: H&S Bakery, Harris Teeter, Wegmans, and Weis.
Stephen Kovalchik takes an order from a young, hungry, customer.

Kevin Oliver, the grillmaster!

For more photos, see The Baltimore Sun - Savage Fest 2016.
Department of Pennsylvania Pistol Match
On June 3-5, 2016, Bill Brooks, Doug Putt, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, and Danny Rotondo participated in the annual Department of Pennsylvania Service Rifle/Pistol Match at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. In Danny's opinion, it was their "most organized pistol match yet!"
Kip is deep in thought.

Kicking back at the range. From left to right are Danny Rotondo, Kip, and Doug Putt.

On April 26, 2016, District Vice Commandant Marc Fisher came out to swear in our newly elected and appointed detachment officers.
From left to right are
- Danny Rotondo: Adjutant
- Saki: Judge Advocate
- Dennis Graham: Standing in for Mike Betts, Commandant
- Bill Swain: Senior Vice Commandant
- Curt Atkins: Standing in for Stephen Kovalchik, Junior Vice Commandant
Other officers not shown include
- Gordon MacPhee: Junior Past Commandant and Paymaster
- Bill Brooks: Chaplain
- Kevin Oliver: Sergeant-at-Arms

New member, Ed Hall
We always welcome fresh blood. On April 26, 2016, Edward (Ed) A. Hall joined our detachment. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Hall comes to us with a solid reputation and a can-do attitude. Ed is currently serving as the Commander of the American Legion - Adams, Hanna, Moore Memorial Post 156. As an active duty Marine, Ed served from 1969 to 1993 as a 2602-Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Officer and a 0302-Infantry Officer. Welcome aboard Ed!
In the below photo, Ed is being sworn into the Marine Corps League by District Vice Commandant Marc Fisher.

F-86H Sabre
If you've been to one of our meetings at the Yingling VFW Post, you've surely seen this F-86H Sabre jet fighter. If you haven't seen it, come on out and we'll be happy to show it to you!

Howard County Veterans Resource Fair
On Tuesday, April 5, 2016, the detachment participated in the Howard County Veterans Resource Fair at the Howard County Library, Miller Branch. This event hosted over 40 different organizations, businesses and nonprofits - all dedicated to providing services, support, and jobs to veterans. Sponsored by the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families (HCCVMF).
Bill Pastino, Marine of the Year 2014
At our March 22, 2016 meeting, Bill Pastino was awarded the honored title of "Detachment Marine of the Year" to recognize the hard work and sacrifices he made in 2014. Yes, we are a year late in recognizing him but better late than never. His achievements include the following:
- Headed up our Toys-for-Tots effort.
- Organized the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company Veterans Day Celebration.
- Led the Marine Corps Birthday celebration.
- Took charge of detachment participation and fundraising in the Ellicott City Main Street Music Festival.
- Participated in Savage Fest.
- Allowed our detachment and department to hold activities at the Ellicott Mills Brewery.
The next time you see Bill, be sure to shake his hand and give him a big "Semper Fi!"

New Home
At our January 26, 2016 meeting, our Detachment unanimously voted to move our official home from the Howard County Memorial Post 8097, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 7209 Montevideo Rd, Jessup, Maryland 20794-9313 to the Yingling-Ridgely VFW and Auxiliary Post 7472. We hope to develop a long-lasting symbiotic relationship with the Yingling-Ridgely VFW and recruit many new members.