For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.
Meeting minutes for 2011
Walter Reed Hosptial Visit
Throughout the year, several Marine Corps League members visit the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospitals to visit, thank, and provide encouragement to the wounded veterans who have given so much to their country. In the below photo, a local band called The Hippy Sheiks plays a concert for the veterans at Walter Reed. In the background, you can catch a glimpse of our own Mike Betts donning camouflage Bermuda shorts and western boots. Quite the fashion statement.

From November 25, 2011 through December 17, 2011, several members volunteered to solicit and deliver toys for the Toys-for-Tots program. Several 4 hour shifts were manned at the Toys-R-Us at 6231 Columbia Crossing Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21045. About 3000 toys were collected by the detachment along with a significant amount of money in donations. Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock even made a new friend.

236th Birthday Cake Cutting and Veterans Day Celebration
On Sunday, November 13, 2011, the detachment hosted a Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day lunch at the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company in Historic Ellicott City. Veterans ate for free while non-vets paid a mere $10. Hundreds of dollars were raised by this event and a raffle. The proceeds were donated to the Marines Helping Marines program.
Dennis Graham sells raffle tickets.

DJ's family digs into the beef, chicken, noodles, veggies, rolls, and Semper Fi Ale.

Curt Atkins, Bill Pastino, and Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock serve up chow to lots of hungry vets and their guests, mostly VFW members and MCL members from Howard and Anne Arundel Counties.

No Marine Corps birthday celebration would be complete without a cake. To commemorate our 236th birthday, Executive Directory Michael Blum cut the cake then served a piece to the oldest Marine present (Bill Brooks) and a 23-year old Marine. Mike Betts gave a short, sweet, and fitting speech.

To honor all those who served, a Veterans Day cake was also served. Not a good place to be if you are watching your waistline.

Kip and son sort through the raffle tickets. A winner was selected and one very happy 11-year old boy needed help carrying a very large wide-screen television home that evening.

2nd Annual Oktoberfest Celebration
- Danny Rotondo organized another fine Oktoberfest celebration that took place at the Jessup VFW on Saturday, October 22, 2011. Fine German style sausages, beer, and fun was enjoyed by all.
Department of Pennsylvania 32nd Annual Keystone Rifle Match
- On September 23-25, 2011, several members from our detachment made their bi-annual pilgrimage to Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania to participate in a weekend of service rifle competition.
Department of Pennsylvania Annual Keystone Pistol Match
On June 3-5, 2011, the detachment participated in the MCL Department
of Pennsylvania pistol match at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania.
Participants include Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock (team captain), Danny
Rotondo, Ricky Windsor, Bill Brooks, Doug Putt, and Dale Hornberger, Curtis Atkins, and Mike Blum.
While waiting for their relay, shooters drank Seattle Best coffee and
ate sausages and danish at the group's encampment. Kip was the high
shooter from the detachment. After a day of shooting, joke telling,
stories, laughing, and camaraderie, the group headed back to the
barracks for the annual cookout. The menu included New York strip
steak, green beans, and new potatoes.
Left to right: Doug, Kip, Danny, Dale, Curtis, and Mike.

Checking out the targets.

Mideast Division Conference
On June 3-5, 2011, representatives from our detachment attended the Mideast Division Conference at the Fredericksburg Hospitality House Hotel and Conference Center.
Basket Bingo
On April 8, 2011, Michael Siemasko and Stan Brosky led a basket bingo fundraiser at The Phelps Center on 701 Montgomery Street in Laurel.