About the Scholarship
The SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment 1084 is offering scholarships between $1,000 and $2,000 to graduating high school seniors who attend a high school in Howard County, Maryland, and are
- a son/daughter of an Active-duty Marine,
- a son/daughter of a Marine Corps Veteran,
- or currently enrolled in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) program.
Applicants should be well-rounded students with scholastic achievement, community service, and a desire to make a difference in the world.
While our detachment bears the name of SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr., our scholarship is named after one of our founding members, Ms. Bobbie Flock, who passed away on July 19, 2008 at the age of 86. Bobbie was a Staff Sergeant and was a WWII veteran. She earned the utmost respect from every detachment member and exemplified many of the fine qualities we seek in our scholarship recipients. Thus, it is only fitting that our scholarship be called the "Bobbie Flock" memorial scholarship.
Applying for the scholarship
Only the finest earn the title of Marine, so naturally only the very best are deserving of our scholarship. If you or someone you know fits this description, please download an application. Complete applications must be received by June 13, 2023.
Download, complete, and return the following to apply for our annual scholarship:
- Scholarship Instructions
- Scholarship Certification
- Scholarship Application
- Guidance Counselors and JROTC Instructors Letter
Tell your friends:
- Announcement Flyer
If you are unable to view the above documents, download and install Adobe Reader.
Scholarship Committee
- Scholarship committee chairperson: Jesus Tapia
- Scholarship committee members: Kevin Oliver
No scholarship was presented 2020-2022.
Seventeenth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Gordon MacPhee (chairperson), Kevin Oliver, Dennis Graham, Mike Betts, and Tim Paulin.
On July 23, 2019, 2000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Jacob Witlin and Delaney Ensor.
Jacob is a graduate of Mount Hebron High School who will attend University of Maryland College Park to study engineering. He hopes to eventually work for the State Department.
His school counselor describes Jacob as a true leader:
Humble and inclusive, he is able to quickly earn the trust of his peers. Jacob has a very natural way about him that inspires others to follow his course of action. In addition, he leads by example and serves as a role model to many.
His accomplishments include the following:
- Completed Project Lead the Way engineering program.
- Earned the American Legion State of Maryland Eagle Scout of the Year, 2018-2019.
- Received the Howard County Executive Political Science Award, 2019.
- Member of the National, Spanish, Rho Kappa, Science, and National Technology Honor Societies.
- Second place county finalist in wrestling.
- Volunteered to help with the food drive, homeless shelter, tree planting, stream clean-up, Purim Carnival, Gilchrist Hospice, 50+ Senior Expo, and Food on the 15th.
- Achieved a 4.57 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 3.76 unweighted GPA.

Delaney is a graduate of Atholton High School who will attend University of Maryland College Park to study Biology. Her career interests are health care policy and public care health.
Her school counselor says
Her greatest strengths are her ability to be self-motivated, independent, and persistent. An emerging
leader, Delaney is a well-rounded young woman who has made significant contributions at school and beyond.
Her accomplishments include the following:
- Earned the rank of cadet Second Lieutenant in the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC).
- Member of the Soccer Association of Columbia Premier Girls' Travel Soccer Team.
- Served as Captain of the Atholton Girls' Varsity Soccer Team.
- Member of the Bully Free Forever Club.
- Foster for Love on a Leash Dog Rescue.
- Member of the National Honor Society.
- Achieved a 4.48 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.0 unweighted GPA.

Shown below are the scholarhip recipients, their families, and detachment members.

Sixteenth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Gordon MacPhee (chairperson), Kevin Oliver, Dennis Graham, Mike Betts, and Bill Pastino.
On July 24, 2018, 2000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Kyton Ovide and Samuel Nitkin.
Kyton is a graduate of Oakland Mills High School who will attend Louisiana State University to study petroleum engineering. His objective is to be able to design better systems for delivery of petroleum and also become an expert in dealing with petroleum spills.
His former "Project Lead the Way" engineering teacher/coach says
Kyton has been and continues to be a hard-working, conscientious student who prides himself in submitting only the best work.
His accomplishments include the following:
- Member of the National Technical Honor Society.
- Served as Secretary and Historian of the Alpha Achievers.
- Participated in the Columbia Association Summer Swim League.
- Volunteered at Beans and Bread Food Pantry in Baltimore City.
- Co-captain of the track team.
- Eagle Scout.
- Served on the Tean Advisory Council.

Samuel is a graduate of Mount Hebron High School who will be attending the University of Chicago to study economics. His goal is to become a teacher. He believes that
Teaching is more than delivering facts...it's about delivering a message to improve understanding.
His school counselor describes Samuel as having
...enthusiasm for learning and desire to contribute to the learning of others.
His accomplishments include the following:
- Placed second in the nation in 2018 in the Adam Smith division of the National Economics Challenge. Maryland state winner and national semi-finalist in the 2016 David Ricardo division.
- President of Social Studies Honor Society.
- Vice President of Math Honor Society and Music Honor Society.
- Served as Chief Operating Officer of TeCanal, a non-profit which seeks to bring the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) resources and education from Howard County to Baltimore City.
- Worked as a math and Spanish tutor.
- Volunteer at the National Aquarium as an exhibit guide.
- Achieved a 4.76 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.0 unweighted GPA.

Shown below are the scholarhip recipients, their families, and detachment members.

Fifteenth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Gordon MacPhee (chairperson), Kevin Oliver, Dennis Graham, Mike Betts, and Bill Pastino.
On July 25, 2017, 2000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Christina Kratzmeier and Jennifer Zhang.
Christina is a graduate of Glenelg High School who will attend the University of Maryland and Honors College at College Park to double major in biochemistry and mathematics.
Christina's former calculus teacher says
Christina is an outstanding young woman that truly stands out. She's not the one in one hundred; the's the one in one thousand.
Her former chemistry teacher says
Perhaps her greatest asset in the classroom is that she is not afraid to make mistakes. Although her quick mind usually leads her to the correct ideas...she is adept at learning from mistakes and misconceptions and coming to a solid understanding of the material.
Her accomplishments include the following:
- Member of the Math, Science, and German National Honor Societies.
- Served as junior coach and team captain of the Kangaroo Kids Precision Jump Rope Team.
- Volunteered at the Saint Louis Catholic Church.
- Interned in chemical engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park.
- Member of the Key Club.
- Ambassador Girl Scout, earning both the Bronze and Silver Awards.
- Achieved a 4.69 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.00 unweighted GPA.

Jennifer is a graduate of River Hill High School who will be attending the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia to study healthcare management. Her goal is to become a hospital executive.
Jennifer's former English teacher says
She [Jennifer] has a tremendous drive to succeed, is bright and articulate, and exercises excellent organization and leadership skills.
Jennifer's guidance counselor says
Her passion is centered around community service. She has completed over 1000 hours of service, and continues to increase this number.
Her accomplishments include the following:
- Served as Chairperson of the River Hill Teen Advisory Committee.
- Ran the River Hill Health Fair.
- Interned at the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
- Worked as tutor and translator.
- Received a bronze medal for the National French Competition.
- Played violin in the Maryland all-state junior and senior orchestra.
- Achieved a 4.91 weighted and a 4.00 unweighted GPA.

Shown below are the scholarhip recipients, their families, and detachment members.

Fourteenth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Gordon MacPhee (chairperson), Kevin Oliver, Dennis Graham, Mike Betts, and Bill Pastino.
On July 26, 2016, 2000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Robert Michele and Nathan Bechetti.
Robert is a graduate of Glenelg High School who will attend Wake Forest University to double major in mathematics and economics with the goal of using these disciplines to support national defense. His school counselor says that he has, "unarguable intelligence and drive, solid core values, and [a] 'fear no failure' attitude."
- Worked as an assistant coach for a Western Howard County Soccer League girls youth team for three years.
- Played soccer for four years in high school.
- Worked at First Fruits Farm, a non-profit farm dedicated to providing fresh produce to area shelters and food banks.
- Volunteered as a tutor through the National Honor Society.
- Volunteered at the Saint Louis Catholic Church.
- Served as a teacher's assistant.
- Participated in the high school band.
- Learned valuable agricultural and business skills by running a commercial garden.
- Achieved a 4.67 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.00 unweighted GPA.
In 2020, we received a status letter from Robert where he reports that he graudated at the top of his class from Wake Forest University.

Nathan is a graduate of Oakland Mills High School who will be attending Towson University to study secondary education. He later plans to teach mathematics in high school. His Director of Theatre Arts says that Nathan has, "exhibited model behavior for an aspiring teacher."
- Served as peer mediator.
- Ran on the cross country team and eventually became team leader.
- Participated in Chamber Choir.
- Studied Tae Kwon Do since the age of four and has volunteered in assisting junior students.
- Volunteered at the local VFW.
- Nominated for the National Thespian Society.
- Achieved a 3.86 weighted GPA.

Shown below are the scholarhip recipients, their families, and detachment members.

Thirteenth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Gordon MacPhee (chairperson), Dennis Graham, Mike Betts, Kevin Oliver, and Bill Pastino.
On July 28, 2015, 2000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Caroline Goyne and Athena Kan.
Caroline is a graduate of Hammond High School who will attend Towson University to study secondary education - mathematics. She already has some relevant experience as a volunteer teacher in her high school's nursery. Her math teacher describes her as "a strong leader" who shows "enthusiasm for mathematics, as well as any instructional activity."
- Served as Senior Class President.
- Member of several honor societies: Mathematics, National Technical, Future Educators Assocation, National, and National Dance.
- Captain of the Dance Company.
- Helped lead school-wide service events: Stop Hunger Now and the Grassroots Foundation.
- Planned Smartphone Device Drive at her school.
- Captain of several sports teams: field hockey, basketball, dance, and softball.
- Received Distinguished Athlete Award from Marine Corps.
- Spent 13 years in Girl Scouts.
- Achieved a 4.63 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 3.93 unweighted GPA.

Athena is a graduate of River Hill High School who will attend Harvard College where to study economics and applied math while exploring public health opportunities at the university's graduate School of Public Health. Her long-term goal is to be a social entrepreneur or a physician who develops economically viable solutions to pressing public health issues.
- Performed research on the effect of socioeconomic status on childhood obesity.
- Presented research findings at international National Institute of Health symposium.
- Co-authored a paper on care management surveys.
- Worked as a research assistant at the Center to Eliminate Cardiovascular Disparities.
- Co-founded the Coalition Halting Obesity in Children Everywhere (CHOICE), a non-profit organization dedicated to public health.
- Member of the Howard County DrugFree's Teen Advisory Council.
- Student representative for the Howard County Commission for Women.
- Recipient of the Maryland Governor's Service Award.
- Recipient of the President's Volunteer Service Award.
- Achieved a 4.89 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.00 unweighted GPA.

Twelfth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Gordon MacPhee (chairperson), Dennis Graham, Mike Betts, Kevin Oliver, and Bill Pastino.
On July 22, 2014, 2000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Nicolette Wolfrey and Erica Younkin.
Nicolette is a graduate of Glenelg High School who will attend the University of Maryland College Park Honors College to study government and politics. Her English teacher says she has the ability to "lead others with the warmth, dedication, and integrity we would like to see in our nation's leaders."
- Served as President of the Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars Council.
- Served as President of the Spur and Stirrups 4-H Club.
- Served as Vice President of the Latin National Honors Society.
- Mentored incoming freshmen as a member of Gladiators on the Horizon.
- Worked as a tutor and manager of National Honors Society (NHS) Glentutors.
- Volunteered to make lunches for local homeless shelters.
- Member of the Senior Class and Executive Board Student Government Association (SGA).
- Member of the Future Business Leaders of America
- Member of the Key Club
- Achieved a 4.64 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.00 unweighted GPA.

Erica is also a graduate of Glenelg High School who will attend the University of Maryland College Park Honors College to study speech pathology. Erica's science teacher describes her as "truly gifted and talented and in the top 5% of students." She demonstrated her potential by taking first prize in a science fair with an independent research project.
- Served as the Secretary of the Student Government Association (SGA).
- Member of three high school choirs and member of the all-state choir.
- Member of the National Honor Society.
- Member of the National Math Honor Society.
- Member of the Key Club.
- Recipient of the Ben Carson Scholar Award.
- Volunteer at the Baltimore County Christian work camp.
- Volunteer at the Baltimore and Frederick soup kitchens.
- Volunteer at horse rescue farm.
- Achieved a 4.67 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.00 unweighted GPA.

Shown below are the scholarhip recipients, their families, and detachment members.

Eleventh Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Gordon MacPhee (chairperson), Dennis Graham, Kevin Oliver, Mike Betts, and Bill Pastino.
On July 23, 2013, 3000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Heather Konstanzer, Erika Koontz, and Samantha Vermillion.
Heather Konstanzer is a graduate of Reservoir High School who will attend Duquesne University to study nursing. Heather has worked hard to achieve her goals by enrolling in a special Allied Health course in her junior year and then graduating from high school as a Certified Nursing Assistant.
- Member of the National Honor Society and French National Honor Society.
- Ran on the varsity cross country team - member of the 2012 State Champion team.
- Ran on the varsity outdoor track and field team - member of the 2011 State Champion team and 2 mile record holder.
- Played junior varsity and varsity soccer.
- Participant in numerous St. Francis of Assisi activities to include the Health Ministry Team, Liturgy Team, and Youth Ministry Leadership Team.
- Volunteers at Bridges to Housing Stability, Elizabeth House Soup Kitchen, Gilchrist Hospice, Young Neighbors in Action, Carroll County 4-H, Graces Clothes Closet, High Hopes for Haiti, Maryland Youth Advisory Council, and Sinai Hospital.
- Student of the Quarter at the Allied Health Academy.
- Achieved a 4.62 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.00 unweighted GPA.

Erika Koontz is a graduate of Glenlg High School who will attend Washington College. There she will pursue a double major in environmental studies and Spanish. She hopes to help solve environmental problems and convey a message of environmental protection and preservation to the English and Spanish speaking communities.
- Recipient of the Spanish National Honor Society Award.
- Recipient of the Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars Director's Award.
- Recipient of the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) World Language Award for Spanish.
- Recipient of the PTSA Best Academic Student Award.
- Recipient of the Federal Water Quality Association Award.
- Recipient of the James and Anne Robinson Foundation Green Footprint Award for Student Environmental Leadership.
- Served as President and Vice President of the Spanish National Honor Society.
- Served as Vice President of Sustainability of Venturing Crew 202.
- Volunteer with Assateague Island trail clean up, brown pelican conservation effort, tree planting at Freedom Park, Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, Maryland Biological Stream Survey, and various tutoring programs.
- Achieved a 4.45 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 4.00 unweighted GPA.

Erika was unable to attend the award ceremony but her parents, Sarah and Henry Koontz, were there to accept the award on her behalf.

Samantha (Sam) Vermillion is a graduate of Hammond High School who will attend the University of Maryland College Park. She will pursue a degree in engineering where she will be able to use her love of mathematics and science to help solve real world problems. When Samantha isn't studying or participating in extracurricular school activities, she can be found volunteering her time in the community and inspiring others to do the same.
- Member of the soccer team.
- Member of the track team.
- Member of the National Honor Society.
- Member of the Spanish Honor Society.
- Member of the Spanish Club.
- Member of the school musical pit band.
- Member of the book club.
- Member of the Student Leadership Cadre.
- Member of the Community Service Committee.
- Head of the School Spirit Committee.
- Volunteer to help renovate the Carroll Baldwin Memorial Hall.
- Volunteer at Savage Fest.
- Achieved a 4.40 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a 3.84 unweighted GPA.

Shown below are the scholarhip recipients, their families, and detachment members.

In August 2014, we received an update on Samantha.
I am currently entering my second year at the University of Maryland College Park, and am majoring in mechanical engineering. Last year I helped organize an event that promoted awareness of human trafficking and raised enough money to build a school in rural India and furnish it with teachers. Both last year and this year I have had the opportunity to volunteer for numerous resident life events. This year I hope to get even more involved with events and groups around campus.
Tenth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Gordon MacPhee (chairperson), Kevin Oliver, and Bill Pastino.
On July 24, 2012, 2000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Emma Boone and Amy Buettner.
Emma Boone is a graduate of Wilde Lake High School who will attend Georgetown University.
- Vice President of the National Honor Society.
- Vice President of the National Tri-M Music National Honor Society.
- Band President.
- Captain of the varsity cross country team.
- Captain of the varsity indoor track team.
- Captain of the varsity outdoor track team.
- Achieved a 4.6 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA).

Amy Buettner is a graduate of Marriotts Ridge High School who will attend Bridgewater College where she will major in pre-med biology and Spanish.
- Member of the National Honor Society.
- Member of the track and field team.
- Member of the Jewelry Club.
- Member of the Interact Club, an international service organization.
- Serves as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).
- Achieved a 4.02 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA).

Shown below are the scholarhip recipients, their families, and detachment members.

Ninth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Dennis Starliper (chairperson), Gordon MacPhee, Bill Pastino, and Mike Betts.
On July 26, 2011, 1000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Kaitlin LaGrasta.
Kaitlin LaGrasta of Laurel is a graduate of Reservoir High School who will attend the University of Virginia where she will focus on Anthropology.
- Participated in Advanced Placement, Gifted and Talented, and Honors Curriculum programs.
- Achieved a 4.67 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and a perfect 4.0 unweighted GPA, which placed her number one in her graduating class of 351.
- Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
- Maryland Distinguished Scholar Honorable Mention
- National Honor Society
- Spanish National Honor Society
- Section Leader for the Reservoir High School drumline
- Membership in the symphonic band, full orchestra, concert choir, and women's choir
- Captain of Marimbas on Fire
- Swimmer with the Hammond Park Stingrays where she earned an Amateur Athletic Unionn (AAU) Athlete of the Year nomination

Shown below is Kaitlin, her families, and detachment members.

In December 2014, we received an update on Kaitlin.
I am an anthropology and Spanish double major with a minor in art history, and I have a 3.8 cumulative GPA. I will graduate from the University of Virginia in May and I hope to pursue a career in archaeology. I did my archaeological field school at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello in 2013, and I received a scholarship toward tuition. I also applied for and received a Dean's scholarship in my second year. Last spring in my third year, I studied abroad for a semester in Valencia, Spain. I had the opportunity to travel within Spain and to London and Italy. It was my first time out of the country, and I had a wonderful experience and I can't wait until I get to go back! For the past four fall semesters, I played bass drum in the Cavalier Marching Band, for which I also received a scholarship. I also spent some time working in the band office. Through the marching band I became involved with Kappa Kappa Psi honorary band fraternity, which organizes a lot of service and music-oriented social events at UVa and within the Charlottesville community. Since second year, I have also been involved with the Native American Student Union. This has given me the chance to meet and befriend people of all different backgrounds, and become more knowledgeable about indigenous experiences within the United States and Canada. This past summer, I interned as a collections assistant at the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection, the only museum solely dedicated to Aboriginal Australian art in the United States. Although the internship was only for a few months, I still spend some time each week at the museum doing independent research using works in the collection to write a thesis for the Distinguished Majors Program in anthropology.
I am incredibly grateful for the Marine Corps League scholarship because it not only helped me attend school, but it gave me the confidence to apply for more scholarships for other opportunities such as field school. I am also incredibly grateful because I know the scholarship has helped and will help other deserving students who have lots of potential to advance their education and become great assets to their communities.
In June 2015, Kaitlin's father reported that she graduated with honors and is pursuing her passion. Kaitlin is another fine example of how our scholarship money is being put to good use.
Eighth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
Scholarship committee members: Dennis Starliper (chairperson), Mike Betts, and Dave Papak.
On July 27, 2010, 3000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Alex Alberg, Madeline Matotek, and Mihir Patel.
Alex Alberg of Sykesville is a graduate of Marriotts Ridge High School who will attend the University of Maryland College Park. Within the university, Alex will study at the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences where he will major in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. He plans to pursue a career in engineering.
- Participated in Advanced Placement, Gifted and Talented, and Honors Curriculum programs.
- Achieved a 4.40 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA).
- National Honor Society inductee and Math team member.
- Honorable mention for Maryland Distinguished Scholars.
- Captain of University of Maryland Programming Competition team 2009 and 2010.
- Performs audio/visual support for the West Friendship Elementary School.
- Member of the Howard County Math League – 3 years.
- Member of the American Regions Math League – 2 years.
- Member of the Future Business Leaders of America – 3 years.
- Member of the American Computer Science League – 4 years.
- Runs a school based company called Stang Software.

Madeline Matotek of Ellicott City is a graduate of Howard High School who will attend the University of Maryland College Park where she will focus on International Studies.
- Achieved a 4.19 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA).
- Member of the National Honor Society.
- Twelve year Girl Scout who has earned the coveted Girl Scout Gold Award – the highest possible achievement in the Girl Scouts.
- Served as a camp counselor for 5 years.
- President of the French Club.
- Fifteen year parishioner at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Ellicott City.
- Active participant in annual spiritual youth retreats.
- Assists at Our Daily Bread.
- Accomplished dancer and model.
- Has raised money for the homeless in Baltimore by modeling evening gowns for a charity event at Ravens stadium.

Mihir Patel of Columbia is a graduate of Atholton High School who will attend the University of Maryland College Park and the Honors College. Mihir's career goal is to become an aerospace engineer.
- Achieved a 4.79 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) and an unweighted 3.95 GPA.
- Ranked number one out of a class of 332.
- Member of the National Honor Society.
- Member of the Science National Honor Society.
- Member of the Spanish National Honor Society.
- Received an Honorable Mention in the Maryland Distinguished Scholar Program.
- His analysis of the August 2008 solar eclipse was published in the academic journal Solar Physics.
- Member of the Student Council Executive Board.
- President of the Future Business Leaders of America - 2 years.
- Worked for the Howard County Recreation and Parks as an assistant tennis coach.
- Volunteered teaching children to play the harmonium and Indian piano.
- Involved with a socio-religious non-profit organization committed to humanitarian efforts in the fields of education, healthcare, social welfare and disaster relief.

Shown below are the scholarhip recipients, their families, and detachment members.

Seventh Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
- On July 28, 2009, 2000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Sarah Elena Bluher and Rahul Rajagopalan.
Sarah Bluher of Ellicott City is a graduate of Centennial High School who will attend Princeton University in pursuit of an education and career in biological research.
- Participant in the Advanced Placement (AP), Gifted and Talented (GT), and Honors curriculum.
- Graduated number one out of a very competitive class of 354.
- Achieved a 4.71 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA).
- Member of the National Honor Society (NHS).
- Member of the Spanish Honor Society.
- A National Merit Semi-finalist.
- Has a strong interest in music, sports and community development.
- A member of Centennial's Concert Choir, Madrigals, and the Peabody Choir.
- An accomplished piano player. She is a recipient of both the Peabody Preparatory Performance Award and the Peabody Achievement Award.
- Has performed a vocal solo with the Columbia Orchestra.
- Received a Gold Cup Award from the National Federation of Music Clubs Junior Festivals and a Music Teachers Association of Greater Baltimore (MTAGB) Triple Crown for piano performance.
- Worked on a Habitat for Humanity housing development project.
- Performed research at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research through a paid internship. She studied immune suppression from battlefield like stress by working with a U.S. Army Ranger Battalion cadets in a nine week training program involving severe physical exertion, calorie restrictions, and sleep deprivation.
Rahul Rajagopalan of Ellicott City is a graduate of Marriotts Ridge High School who will be attend the Engineering School at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Participant in the Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars Program.
- All academic classes taken were Gifted and Talented (GT), AP, or Honors.
- Earned a perfect 4.00 Grade Point Average (GPA) creating a 4.74 weighted GPA.
- Member of the National Honor Society (NHS).
- Performed research on bio fuels as an energy alternative. Results were impressive enough to gain an audience with one of Maryland’s Senators. A presentation was made to the Senator's staff.
- Volunteer of the Fidos for Freedom program - a nonprofit organization helping disabled persons become independent and have a productive life via assistive and therapy dogs.
- A talented musician. He played both the clarinet and the piano in the school band as well as in the community. He is part of the Columbia Concert Band and uses this experience to raise public awareness that deaf people can be involved in and appreciate music.
- The Commission on Disability Issues acknowledged Rahul with the Individual Student Achievement award.
Sixth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
- On July 22, 2008, 3000 dollars in scholarship money was awarded to Devon Caldwell, Emily Casey, and Thao Anh Khuc. This is the first time three scholarship recipients were recognized.
Devon Caldwell of Mt Airy, a graduate of Glenelg High School, will be attending the University of Virginia School of Engineering.
- Participated in the Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars Program.
- Unweighted grade point average (GPA) of 4.00; ranked number one out of 288. Weighted GPA of 4.64; ranked number 4 out of 288.
- Served as Vice President of National Honor Society (NHS).
- Served as Treasurer of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for two years.
- Served as class representative of the Leadership Council for three years.
- Played varsity soccer.
- Participated on the Math Team.
- Volunteered with the Glenwood Lions Club.
- Directed a fundraiser for the Howard County Conservancy.
- Tutored math and science.
- Worked as a purchasing and estimating assistant with a custom homebuilder.

Emily Casey of Elkridge, a graduate of Chapelgate Christian Academy, will be attending Towson University's School of Nursing. Emily achieved great success in her Spanish class and in the Spring of 2008, she put these skills to use in Guatemala where she worked at the Monos de Amor (Hands of Love) clinic. She hopes to return to volunteer more of her time to this charitable organization.
- Participated in the advanced placement and honors programs.
- Unweighted GPA of 3.833.
- Member of the National Honor Society (NHS).
- Served as a tutor.
- Played varsity softball.
- Played junior varsity soccer.
- Volunteered at the Howard County General Hospital.
- Served as the Marine Corps League Auxiliary Junior Vice Commandant.
- Active participant in the Marine Corps League Adopt-a-Highway road cleanup.
Thao "Niko" Anh Khuc of Fulton, a graduate of Reservoir High School, will be attending the University of Maryland where he will be a participant in the Gemstone Program, the number one undergraduate program at the University. Niko intends to pursue a career in legal studies and international relations. He aspires to someday serve on the Supreme Court.
- Participated in the gifted and talented, advanced placement, and honors programs.
- Unweighted GPA of 4.00; ranked number one out of 343. Weighted GPA of 4.43; ranked number 28 out of 343.
- Served as Student Government Association President.
- Served as Junior Class Vice President.
- Member of the National Honor Society.
- Member of the National Spanish Honor Society.
- Member of the National Scouting Honor Society.
- Earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

The photo below shows the scholarship recipients, their families, the sponsor representative, members of the scholarship committee, and some of the detachment and auxiliary. 2008 marked a record turnout for the scholarship awards presentation.
Fifth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
- On July 24, 2007, 2000 dollars in
scholarship money was awarded to Joshua Ruffa and Brittany Shepherd, both 2007 graduating high school seniors from Howard County.
Johsua graduated with a 3.90 unweighted and 4.40 weighted grade point average (GPA) from Reservoir High School. He is a talented musician and former President of the National Honor Society. Joshua donated his time to help with Red Cross Blood Drives and Helping Hands Canned Food Drives. He plans to study engineering at the University of Maryland. To help prepare for this endeavor, Joshua served as a summer intern at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center.

Brittany graduated with a 3.76 unweighted and 4.40 weighted GPA from Centennial High School. Like Joshua, she too is a talented musician. She played in the Junior All-State Band and the Columbia Concert Band. Brittany is also a gifted athlete, having played soccer, basketball, and lacrosse. Not only a participant, but a leader, Brittany has served as soccer and lacrosse captains, assistant coach, and Howard County Association of Student Councils Vice President. She plans to study engineering at Vanderbilt University.

Also recognized was one of our long time sponsors, Booz Allen Hamilton. Deon McGuire, the Booz Allen Hamilton Central Maryland community relations lead, accepted a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the company.

The photo below shows the scholarship recipients, their families, the sponsor representative, members of the scholarship committee, and some of the detachment and auxiliary.
Fourth Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
- On July 25, 2006, 2000 dollars in
scholarship money was awarded to Michael Hassett and Christopher Jason Scott, both 2006 graduating senior high school students from Howard County.
Michael graduated with a 4.00 unweighted and 4.57 weighted grade point average (GPA) from Reservoir High School. He also scored a perfect 800 on the math portion of the scholastic aptitude test (SAT)! Michael plans to study mathematics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Michael is also active in sports, excelling in lacrosse, basketball and soccer. He was even the 2006 Howard County Male Scholar Athlete of the Year!

Christopher graduated with a 4.00 unweighted and a 4.39 weighted GPA from River Hill High School. He plans to study medicine at Eberly College of Science at Pennsylvania State University. Christopher is a champion cross country runner who spends much of his time doing volunteer work. This work includes organizing community-wide trash cleanup day, caring for neglected horses, volunteering at community road races, and removing invasive plant species.

The photo below shows Deon McGuire (Booz Allen Hamilton Central Maryland community relations lead), Michael Hassett, the families of the scholarship recipients, detachment members, and auxiliary members. Christopher Scott was not able to attend since he is currently attending summer school. His parents accepted the award on his behalf.
In June 2006, we received a letter from Michael.
I had a pretty good first year. I played on the University of North Carolina club soccer team, which is competitive but not nearly the level that division one soccer is. We still traveled to places like Clemson, but it wasn't too much of a time committment. Other than that, I participated in several intramural games, which were fun because it's with friends and not too competitive.
School was pretty good. It didn't take too long to get settled in with everything. My second semester was a little harder than the first. I took mostly introductory level classes to fulfill all the different requirements, and as of now I'm undecided on my major. I am leaning towards a major in Exercise and Sports Science with a concentration in Sports Management, in addition to majoring in business.
Other than that, school has been great, and it's very enjoyable to go to all the different sports games and other social events on campus. I'll be returning next year for sure.
Third Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
- On July 26, 2005, 2000 dollars in
scholarship money was awarded to Alison Tarwater and (Erica) Nicole Beall, both 2005 graduating senior high school students from Howard
Alison graduated top in her class from Long Reach High School and will be studying International Relations at Harvard University. Already proficient in French in Spanish, Alison is actively learning Arabic. Nicole graduated from Wilde Lake High School and will be attending New York University. While music, sports, studies, and work take up much of Nicole's time, she also finds time to give back to the community in many ways such as helping with the Appalachian Service Project and the Habitat for Humanity. Congratulations ladies and job well done!
Shown below are some of the Marine Corps League members and the families of the scholarship recipients with Alison (2nd plaque holder) and Nicole (3rd plaque holder). Also shown are Sudhir Bahl (1st plaque holder) and Vivek Thaker (4th plaque holder) who jointly serve as the Booz Allen Hamilton central Maryland community relations lead. Booz Allen Hamilton was recognized for generously donating 750 dollars to the Marine Corps League scholarship fund. This photo later appeared in the Booz Allen Hamilton "Source" on-line newsletter.

In January 2006, we received a letter from Nicole.
I hope these past few months have been as good to you as they have been to me. My first semester at NYU went very well, thanks to your help, and I will be starting my second semester on Tuesday. I would not have been able to go to such an intriguing institution without your help and the help of many others. My parents and I greatly appreciate your aid.
...Everything I have enjoyed this semester is due to the help of several organizations and my parents' support. During this holiday season I just wish to remember and recognize your help. I hope the holidays have found you all in good health and happiness. Good luck finding more students to help in coming years. I hope you know just how much your aid can make a difference. I will be sure to keep in touch.
Second Annual Scholarship Award Presentation
- On June 22 and July 27, 2004, 2000 dollars in
scholarship money was awarded to Valerie A. Cappelaere and Jordan L.
Ambrose, both graduating senior high school students from Howard
Valerie will be attending Northfield Mount Hermon School then
move on to study engineering at the Naval Academy. Jordan will be
studying biology at Pennsylvania State University. Outstanding job
Shown left to right in back row are Kevin Oliver (Marine-for-life
representative), Mike Betts (adjutant), William O'Neill (newsletter
editor), Dennis Graham (paymaster), Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock
(commandant), Jordan L. Ambrose (scholarship recipient), Summit
Sampat (Booz Allen Hamilton central Maryland community relations lead),
Pat Starliper (junior vice commandant), Saki (judge advocate and
webmaster), Joe Roman (chaplain), and Chuck Casey (senior vice
commandant). In front row from left to right are Janet Graham, Kathy
Casey (auxiliary senior vice president and treasurer), Bobbie Flock
(WW2 Marine), Gloria Roman (auxiliary junior vice president and
secretary), and Mimi Kippenbrock (auxiliary president). Booz Allen
Hamilton generously donated 500 dollars to the scholarship fund. This photo later appeared in the Marine Corps League National Magazine, Winter 2004, Volume 60, Number 4.

The following is an update on Jordan Ambrose's first year of college, received March 2005, almost a year after she received her scholarship:
Jordan completed 19 hours in her first term with a 3.4 GPA. She is taking 20 hours in her second semester is is doing about the same. In addition, she has been playing intermural basketball and working approximately 10 hours per week in a campus lab performing cancer research. She is one of the few freshmen to obtain such lab experience due in part to her work at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. She was asked to join a National Honor Fraternity called Psi Sigma Pi and she is the Vice President of her pledge class. She recently hosted a potential applicant to the school as part of the Women in Science Program. Additionally, she participated on a freshman panel for prospective students.
Your support was well invested and while we don't yet know the full value of the return of investment, I know that she appreciates the support that you provided and that she will make a difference in the world. Your generosity helped enable her to attend Penn State. Please know that you made a difference and that it was important.
Commandant Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock congratulates Valerie A.

The following is from a message received from Valerie Cappelaere in March 2005, almost a year after she received her scholarship:
I wanted to send you an email just to let you know how I've been doing
since I started prep school in August. I'm currently home for my
spring break vacation; it's so nice to be back and to spend time with
my family. I just finished my winter term at prep school, which means
I have one term left to go until I am finished (we're on a trimester
schedule). I have been working very hard in school and have completed
Chemistry, English, French, Genetics, and Ethics courses. I was busy
playing soccer fall term and I took an intramural ice hockey class over
the winter. I also joined the concert choir and a select women's singing group. All of these activities have kept me very busy and helped me survive my first New England winter!
When I return back to school towards the end of the month, I will be
playing lacrosse and working to get in shape for Plebe Summer. My
Induction Day is set for 29 June. I am nervously and anxiously
awaiting my Plebe year at the academy; I am counting down the days!
Please extend this message to all of the members of your chapter of the
Marine Corps League. I hope all is well with everyone and you and your
family. I think about all of you often and I am very thankful for your
support! I will keep you updated as my journey continues.
In June 2005, Valerie provided us with another update. Evidently, the scholarship money she received was a worthwhile investment.
I want to take the opportunity before I leave this Wednesday for the
Naval Academy to send an email to you all. For the next six weeks I
will have little access to the "outside world." I'm excited,
nervous, and anxious to finally start my Plebe Summer! My mother
offered to send email updates to my friends and family; keep posted
for news and maybe a few pictures in the near future. Unfortunately,
I will not have time to write letters to everyone. I hope you
continue to enjoy the summer and know that I will be thinking about
all of you who have encouraged and supported me in my journey thus far.

In June 2009, Valerie provided us with yet another update:
I have come a long way since my prep school year,
the year that the Marine Corps League sponsored me with a generous
scholarship. I have since successfully completed my four years at the
Naval Academy. I earned my degree in Aerospace Engineering and a
minor in French. I even spent a semester in France on exchange with
the French Army at their Military Academy/West Point equivalent. My
service selection to the aviation community became a very clear goal
of mine as I realized how much I loved learning about the mechanics of
flight, astronautical engineering and design. I even spent a month
training with Marines in Quantico, VA as I was exploring the
possibility of Marine Corps aviation. My four years took me many
places: Rome, England, Singapore, Australia, and other countries in
Europe while both training and traveling. I have experienced some
very "high" times and some "low" times as I'm learning how the
military can be trying on a daily basis but overall a very rewarding
I recently checked into NAS Pensacola, Florida just thirty days after
my graduation on 22 May 2009. I am a Student Naval Aviator waiting to
begin API (Aviation Pre-Indoctrination). My training to become a
pilot will take about 2 years. My goal is to fly jets off of carriers,
though I know this dream will only be achieved through hard
work, determination and good timing.

On March 11, 2013, Navy Lieutenant Junior Grade Valerie Cappelaere Delaney died in an aircraft crash in near Spokane, Washington when the Navy EA-6B Prowler she was piloting crashed in a wheat field, killing the crew of three.
- Sources: Baltimore Sun and The Spokesman-Review
We are deeply saddened to hear of Valerie's passing. She will be greatly missed.
First Annual Scholarship Award
Presentation 2003
- On June 24, 2003, the Detachment presented two 500
dollar scholarships to Yiyang Wu and Hajin Kim, outstanding graduating
seniors from Howard County. Keep up the great work ladies! Shown left
to right are Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock (Scholarship Committee chairperson
and Judge Advocate), Hajin Kim, Yiyang Wu, and Mike Betts (Commandant).
Both ladies used their scholarship money to pursue degrees at Harvard
University. Booz Allen Hamilton generously donated 250 dollars to the
scholarship fund.