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   SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment 1084

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For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.

  Toys-for-Tots Participation 2004
Under the leadership of Pat Starliper, Marines Chuck Casey, Cesar Pacheco, Dennis Graham, and SSgt Bang collected approximately 100 bags full of toys (each bag being 30 gallon size).  Outstanding job guys!
  Marine Corps Birthday Cake Cutting Ceremony
On November 14, 2004, our detachment held a Marine Corps birthday cake cutting ceremony. Birthday messages from General Lejeune and current Commandant General Hagee were read. The oldest and youngest Marines present were recognized. Refreshments were served and good times were enjoyed by all.
  Department of Pennsylvania Marine Corps League Rifle Match 2004 This is my rifle.  There are many like it but this one is mine.
From September 24 to 26, 2004, our detachment participated in the Department of PA MCL rifle match at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. Great weather, good friends, and fantastic shooting! Who could ask for more?
  Marines Helping Marines
One of the missions of the Marine Corps League is "aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines." In support of this mission, the Marines Helping Marines program provides support to injured Marines.

Lance Corporal Mervin Rojas is one such Marine. He was injured in Iraq by an improvised explosive device (IED). LCpl Rojas received multiple shrapnel wounds to the right side of his body and his face. Additionally, he lost his left arm and a portion of his shoulder.

On Thursday, July 22, 2004, several Marine Corps League members and one Auxiliary member visited LCpl Rojas and many other injured Marines at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. Such visits along with donations from the public let the Marines know how much their sacrifice is appreciated.

Shown below from left to right are Mimi Kippenbrock (SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Auxiliary President), LCpl Rojas, Bob Walton, and Carroll County Detachment Marine Corps League members.
         LCpl Rojas and Marines Helping Marines supporters
  Marina Hot Dog Sale Fundraiser
On Saturday, July 17, 2004, money was raised by selling hot dogs and hamburgers at the Harbour Cove Marina, 5910 Vacation Lane, Deale, Maryland 20751, phone: 301-261-9500 and 410-867-1600. This is where our own Danny Rotondo and William O'Neill work(ed).
  8th & I Night 2004
On Friday, July 9, 2004, Gunnery Sergeant Chuck Casey invited us all to watch the President's Own and the Silent Drill Team in action at the 8th & I Marine Barracks Evening Parade. Afterwards, we enjoyed food and drinks at the Staff Non-Commissioned Officer's (NCO) Club. The weather was perfect and the performance flawless.
 Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup
On June 26, 2004, we had a road cleanup, shortly after the installation of our road sign. Pictured below from left to right standing are Dennis Graham, Kevin Oliver, and Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock. Pictured from left to right kneeling are Don Downer, Doug Putt, and Saki. In case you were wondering, SWAT stands for "Stop Waste And Trash."
         Don't even think of littering on Route 108
  Department of Pennsylvania Marine Corps League Pistol Match 2004
On Friday, June 4, 2004, shooters arrived at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania for the Marine Corps League Department of Pennsylvania pistol match. We stayed up late having a good old time; laughing, drinking, smoking cigars, and telling sea stories. Saturday's shoot got rained out but Kevin, Pat, and Saki managed to get in a 3.5 mile run. On Sunday, we shot. Nobody had scores high enough for bragging rights but we all had a good time. Kip brought his grill and we cooked sausages, eggs, and hamburgers. We made sure to fan the smell of the food towards the Army fellows who had just finished their physical fitness test. Boy, were they jealous. Pictured below from left to right standing are Joe Roman, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, Chuck Casey, Pat Starliper, Danny Rotondo, and William O'Neill. Down in front from left to right are Kevin Oliver, Don Downer, and Bob Walton.
         Where's Pat?  Oh, he's camoflauged.
  Department of Maryland Marine Corps League Annual Convention 2004
On May 7-9, 2004, representatives from various detachments throughout Maryland gathered for a weekend of fun, sun, and cameraderie at the Princess Royale Oceanfront Hotel and Conference Center in Ocean City. Pictured below and seated left to right are Bob "Recon Dragon" Walton, Kevin Oliver, Joe Roman, Mimi and Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, and Gloria Roman. Notice our detachment banner in the background.
         Gloria says that Diet Coke only has one calorie
At the convention banquet, the Marine-of-the-Year plaque was presented by the 2003 Marine-of-the-Year, Jack Severn (left). The well deserving Marine-of-the-Year recipient for 2004 was Ron Short (right). Ron is the Department of Maryland Commandant and also a dual member of the SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment.
         Congratulations Ron!
Members of the "Devil Dog" Detachment take an oath before being marched through the pool by Jerry Faye (wearing the Drill Instructor Smokey). Pictured left to right are Joe Roman, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, Mike Betts, and Bob "Recon Dragon" Walton.
         Devil Dog Power!
Bob Walton (on the left) raised thousands of dollars in support of the Marines Helping Marines program. Bob is shown exchanging a few friendly words with our former Detachment Commandant and current Marine-for-Life Department representative Mike Betts (right).
         Shiny head, eh?
  Raffle Ticket and Hot Dog Sale
On April 10, 17, and 18, 2004, the Ssgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. detachment sold hot dogs, raffle tickets, and patriotic pins at the Ellicott City Wal-Mart on 3200 North Ridge Road. Chick-Fil-A, Safeway, SuperFresh, Food Lion, and Giant generously donated supplies and/or gift cards to purchase supplies. Over the three days, hundreds of dollars were raised to support our annual scholarship which has been awarded to well deserving Howard County graduating high school students. A new television, sold at a discounted price by Best Buy, has been awarded as the raffle prize.
Saki Rocks!  Marine of the Year 2003
Saki was named the Detachment "Marine of the Year" in 2004 for his accomplishments in 2003.
  Howard County hosted Department of Maryland Marine Corps League meeting
On March 20, 2004, the Ssgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. detachment hosted the quarterly department meeting. Each quarter, one Maryland detachment hosts the department level meeting. This time it was our turn. We rented a space at the Ellicott City Senior Center and welcomed the arrival of over 50 Marines for a meeting that lasted from 0830 to 1230. During this time, the Auxiliary met in the next room. A Devil Dog growl followed. Fourteen detachments were represented and 8 Ssgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. detachment members were in attendance.
         Cool people
Seated at table from left to right: Joe and Gloria Roman, Chuck Casey, Bob Walton, Kevin Oliver (getting head rubbed), and Saki.
  Auxiliary Receives Charter
On March 8, 2004, the Ssgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Marine Corps League Auxiliary received their charter, thus becoming Auxiliary Unit 444. For membership information, please contact Mimi Kippenbrock.
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©2003 Marine Corps League, SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Detachment 1084