For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.
Meeting minutes for 2009
- After Thanksgiving, many of our detachment members set up and manned various toy collection stations in and around the Howard County area to support the Toys-for-Tots program. Bill Pastino took the lead on this effort. Those who helped included Dennis Starliper, Sam Stein, Doug Putt, Dale Hornberger, Jim Lopez, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, and one of our newest members, Curtis Atkins.
Curtis collected
- 50 toys and $875 in checks from Baltimore Air Coil
- 362 toys from Liberty Property
- 4 from Reflections Apartments
- 1500 from Marriotsville High School
- 500 from Columbia Bank River Hill
- 39 from Dominion Apartments
- 95 from Parkview Homes (and $25 in checks)
- several toys from Long and Foster
Curtis' wife, Elease collected toys at Park View Homes for Seniors. Nothing pleases us more than to have a new member and his wife serve with so much enthusiasm.
By December 22, a total of 7569 toys collected by the detachment were dropped off at the Toys for Tots warehouse.
In Howard County, 22,746 were collected along with $3,332.00 in donations.

Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup
- On December 12, 2009, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, Doug Putt, Ricky Windsor, Curtis Atkins, Dale Hornberger, Sam Stein, Danny Rotondo, Jr., Danny Rotondo, Kurt Rotondo, and Saki (not pictured) collected 9 bags of trash and a tire with the rim still attached. It was an easy day, partly due to the fact that regular participation has helped keep our one mile stretch of Route 108 clean.

Veterans Day Lunch
Who says there are no free lunches in life? On November 11, 2009, some of our detachment members volunteered to serve a free lunch for veterans at the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company.

Department Quarterly Meeting
On January 10, 2009, a Marine Corps League Department of Maryland quarterly meeting was held at the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company in Historic Ellicott City. Our own SSgt Karl G. Taylor, Sr. Unit 444 Auxiliary provided the donuts. About 60 Marines met upstairs in this old hardware and lumber store which was converted to a bar and restaurant. See Commandant Chuck leaving the building below.

From our detachment, the following were present: Mike Betts, Frank "Kip" Kippenbrock, Bill Brooks, Bill Pastino, Joe Roman, Chuck Casey, Danny Rotondo, and Saki. Marines present who are members of other detachments as well as our own include Ron Short, Jack Severn, and Jerry Fay.
Mike Betts served as Department Sergeant-at-Arms, Jerry served as Department Commandant, while Kip, Jack, and Ron served on other officer positions. Chuck read our detachment report. The meeting lasted from 0900 to 1045, a relatively short period of time. Afterwards, folks headed downstairs to partake in an early lunch and beerfest. See below.
