For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.
Meeting minutes for 2018
Since 1947, the basic mission of the Marine Toys-for-Tots (T4T) Program is to collect new unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to less fortunate children at Christmas.
On December 15, 2018, our detachment helped our county distribute toys to needy families at Wilde Lake High School. This was the third year for this Howard County-based effort led by Dr. Calvin Ball, County Executive. When he undertook this effort, he was serving as County Councilman. For more information, see The Baltimore Sun - Hundreds take part in Howard County Toys for Tots event.
From left to right: Saki, Tim Paulin, County Executive Dr. Calvin Ball, Lou Schott, and Mike Blum.

This program could not be successful without the hard work from numerous volunteers. In red, next to Dr. Ball, is Kim, the leader of this event.
Colonel Lou Schott Offhand Championship Competition
With a name like Schott (pronounced "shot"), you'd better be good with a rifle. Retired Colonel Lou Schott proved that on November 18, 2018 at the opening of the 200 yard shooting competition named in his honor.
The overall winner was Associated Gun Clubs (AGC) member Dan Green.
Colonel Schott takes aim with Ed Hall providing words of encouragement.
Fourth Annual Howard County Veterans Day Parade
About 20,000 veterans call Howard County, Maryland their home. This parade was for them. It started at Merriweather Drive and ran along Little Patuxent Parkway heading toward the Downtown Columbia Lakefront.
Immediate after, a few words of thanks were spoken by Howard County Veterans Foundation President Robert Gillette, Howard County Executive Allan Kittleman, and Columbia Association President/CEO Milton W. Matthews. Gillette is spearheading creation of a county monument to veterans and their families to be erected at Columbia's lakefront.
The poem "In Flanders Fields" was read to mark the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day - the former name of Veterans Day, and the milestone that marked the cessation of hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany during World War I.
They say the Marines is a "band of brothers." But in this case, birth brothers Daniel and Gregory Paulin led the charge for our detachment.

Scott Wingate drove his humvee in the parade, transporting veterans unable to march. In the back is Marv Stocker, a Vietnam Veteran who served in the Army. He is a member of the American Legion, Post 156. In the front is retired Colonel Lou Schott, a World War II Marine.

Vietnam War veteran Mike Betts was joined by his grandson Kiernan Allen (age 4), who accompanied him for the entire parade route.
243rd Birthday Celebration
On November 10, 2018, our detachment celebrated the Marine Corps birthday at the VFW Auxiliary Post 7472. 243 years young and still looking great!
Guests feasted on a fine catered meal.

Naomi Ling sang the National Anthem. She is part of a group of students that raise money for veteran's organizations called Students Partner with Veterans (SPV).

Colonel Schott gave a speech about "Old Corps vs the New Corps."

Retired Colonels Lou Schott (left) and Ed Hall (right).

Gordon and Carole MacPhee.

Left to right: Mike Betts, Vicki Betts, and Bill Swain.

Left to right: Mike Blum, Dottie Atkins, and Curt Atkins.

Laura and Jesus Tapia.
James Dixon
We first met Mr. James Buchanan Dixon on February 3, 2017. He was one of the few of the few, having served when the Marines was racially segregated. Unlike white recruits, African Americans went to boot camp at Montford Point. During his enlistment (1944-46), Mr. Dixon was stationed in China where he worked on disarming the Japanese and getting them out of China. In 2012, he was presented the Congressional Gold Medal. Mr. Dixon passed away on September 30, 2018 at the age of 93. He will be missed.
$1000 donation
On August 28, 2018, Bob and Ronna Chew donated $1000 to our detachment via their Veteran Real Estate Advantage Program. At our meeting, we voted to place the money in our scholarship fund.
Not sure how we're gonna fit this check in the ATM. Shown below from left to right are Bob Chew, Kevin Oliver, Bill Swain, and Tim Paulin.
Happy 98th Birthday to Colonel Schott
In August 2018, several members of our detachment got together to wish retired Marine Colonel Lou Schott a happy 98th birthday. The Colonel fought at Peleliu and Okinawa, where he served as a rifle platoon leader and rifle company commander.
The newspaper shown is the Philadelphia Inquirer from August 15, 1945. The front page features President Truman's declaration of the Japanese surrender in WWII.
Left to right: Bill Swain, Jesus Tapia, Mike Betts, Gordon Mac Phee, Colonel Lou Schott, Stephen Kovalchik, Gregory Paulin, and Tim Paulin.
Jesus Tapia and family with the Colonel.
Ed Hall and Bill Swain listening to the Colonel.
Department of Pennsylvania Pistol Match
On June 8-10, 2018, our detachment participated in the Department of Pennsylvania Pistol Match at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. Here's a report that our own DJ wrote about this experience:
Marine Brothers, In Every Climb and Place
Our detachment arrived Friday the day before the match and billeted in refurbished WWII barracks, and once we located
the building, we quickly claimed our territory by mounting the Marine Corps flag in open sight. After settling into our
quarters, myself and Kip departed to the class six for "supplies." Upon returning to the barracks, we saw three soldiers
stepping through the hatch of our barracks. The base that weekend was full of weekend warriors, so we assumed the
base sent the soldiers to take our flag down. We were not far behind them when we heard the commotion between our
MCL Marines and the three soldiers and discovered that the soldiers were Marine veterans on reserve duty.
The soldiers said they were puzzled when they saw the Marine Corps flag and had to investigate. We learned they were
on reserve drill and exchanged laughs and sea stories and they told how the Army didn't hold up to Marine Corps
standards and esprit de corps. They confessed of leaving the Corps only for opportunities. Good times at Fort Indiantown Gap.
31st Annual Savage Fest
On June 2, 2018, our detachment set up an information and recruiting table at the 31st Annual Savage Fest in Savage, Howard County, Maryland. Savage Fest is a small town festival, rooted in the tradition of Savage Days, a community celebration held since the 1920s. Our guys sold chips and drinks and gave out Marine Corps League roses. Despite foul weather predictions, the rain held off until the last hour and even then, we only encountered very light sprinkles.
Savage is the town that resides just north of Staff Sergeant Karl G. Taylor, Sr.'s home town and just south of Ms. Bobbie Flock's hometown. The latter is our scholarship namesake.
Shown below from left to right under their new shade canopy are Bill Swain, Gordon MacPhee, and Curt Atkins. Stephen Kovalchik and Jesus Tapia showed up later.
Flag Raising
On May 28, 2018, Memorial Day, our detachment provided an honor guard flag detail at the former Harriet Tubman School in Columbia. According to Wikipedia,
Harriet Tubman School was the last operating segregated school in the Howard County Public School System. The historic building has been re-purposed for use by the school system for maintenance offices.
The Harriet Tubman school, in Simpsonville, was established as the first dedicated high school for African Americans in 1948 with the first graduating class in 1952. Harriet Tubman operated for 16 years as a segregated school and was closed [in 1965] rather than integrated.
On the right, Detachment Commandant Bill Swain and Greg Paulin raise the flag while Daniel Paulin and Mike Betts present arms. At the table, Marlin Benton, Jr. says a few words.
Color guard marching: Andrew Vall leads the detail followed by Bill Swain, Daniel Paulin, Greg Paulin, and Mike Betts.
We had good turnout from our detachment. From left to right: Daniel Paulin, Greg Paulin, Mike Betts, Kevin Oliver, Gordon MacPhee, Mike Fowler, and Tim Paulin.
On May 26, 2018, our detachment gave out Marine Corps League roses in front of Giant Food in Chatham Station Shopping Center, Ellicott City.
In 1778, during the War of Independence, the Marine Corps Rose was dedicated to those Marines who made the Ultimate Sacrifice for their country. This tradition was continued by the French during World War One when the Marines attacked the Germans in the trenches at Belleau Wood, Roses were planted by the grateful French people at the graves of the Fallen Marines. When and where ever you see Leaguers or Young Marines distributing these remembrances take and wear one proudly.
- from "Marine Corps League - Department of Arkansas"
Shown below from left to right are Mike Fowler, Bill Swain, Mike Betts, and Gordon MacPhee. Photo taken by Tim Paulin.
Eagle Scout Good Citizenship
Our detachment sometimes works with the Boy Scouts. On May 24, 2018, Senior Vice Commandant Tim Paulin and Past Commandant Mike Betts present a Good Citizenship Award to Eagle Scout Kyton Ovide at Christ Episcopal Church in Columbia, Maryland.
Old Corps, New Corps
On May 22, 2018, our youngest member joined our detachment...24 year old Andrew J. Vall. Andrew is an Afghanistan veteran. Here he appears with our oldest member, 97 year old Lou Schott, a World War Two veteran. Though separated by almost three generations they are bonded by esprit de corps.
Last Man Standing
After our April 24, 2018 meeting, retired Lieutenant Colonel Ed Hall and retired Colonel Lou Schott broke open a bottle of "Maker's Mark" Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey.
The bottle was dedicated to Lou Schott, who is believed to be the last man standing from his unit during the battle of Okinawa in 1945. Back then, he was a bright-eyed Second Lieutenant, serving as a Platoon Leader with "Baker" Company, First Battalion, Fifth Marines (1/5). He led his Marines in the battles of New Britain and Peleliu. On the 11th day of the fighting on the island of Peleliu, while scratching his right arm pit with his left hand he was wounded in his left arm by a Japanese mortar blast. Years later on his return trips to the island he looks for the family of fleas that saved his life.
Second Lieutenant Schott was medevac'd to Pearl Harbor and then promoted to First Lieutenant while recovering from his wound. He was soon ordered back to The Fleet Marine Force (FMF) where he assumed command of "Able" Company, 1/5. First Lieutenant Schott led 144 Marines into the battle of Okinawa and walked out with fewer than 15. Around 1948, the survivors of Able 1/5 started annual reunions. They contacted Makers Mark Bourbon and requested a special label which read "A 1/5, last man standing, Okinawa 1945."
At the request of Ed Hall, Makers Mark reproduced the label...only this time the name Lou Schott was printed as being the last man standing.

Colonel Schott made a toast to his unit.

Kevin Oliver and the Colonel.

Inaugural "Game Hen" Trap Shoot
On April 21, 2018, our detachment held its first "Game Hen" trap shoot fundraiser at the Carroll County Gun Club. Ed Hall and his team taught the training clinics for those that had never shot trap.
The event started by playing our National Anthem.

Shooters at the ready. From left to right are Kevin Oliver, Ed Hall, Sam Bass (Old Post) and Daniel Paulin.

Left to right: Gordon MacPhee, Mike Betts, Daniel Paulin, and Gregory Paulin.

Left to right: Mike Betts, Gordon MacPhee, Curtis Atkins, Lou Schott, and Martin Atkins (Curtis' brother).

Howard County Veterans Commission Presentation
On April 10, 2018, the Howard County Veterans Commission sponsored the annual Veterans Forum with vendors to show veterans what services and resources are available to them.
This gathering was also used so Detachment Commandant Bill Swain could present retired Colonel Lou Schott with a framed miniature guidon representing his rifle company during the Battle of Okinawa 1945.

Many Marines from our detachment were there as well as three of Colonel Schott's daughters.

Colonel Schott with James Marchinke, American Legion Maryland Department Commander.
Detachment Marine of the Year 2017
At our March 2018 meeting, our Detachment Marine of the Year for 2017 was announced: Tim Paulin. Tim is recognized for the hard work he did in 2017 to help make our detachment superfantastic. Saki submitted the following nomination for Tim:
Tim joined our detachment with his son, Daniel, on June 28, 2016. While he was only with us for a year and a half, in 2017, he has truly exemplified the characteristics of a Marine Corps League member. It seems every time there is an activity, he is there. He has participated in the following:
Visiting James Dixon, a Montford Point Marine and Congressional Gold Medal recipient.
Flag retirement ceremony.
Eagle Scout ceremony.
Color guard member in the Savage Fest parade.
Scholarship presentation.
Howard County Veterans Monument Site Dedication in Columbia.
18th Annual River Hill Independence Day Parade.
Blue Star Memorial Re-dedication in Ellicott City.
Veterans Day Parade in Ellicott City.
Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day Gala.
Tim recruited his son, Greg Paulin, who was sworn in on November 28, 2017.
Time served as Senior Vice Commandant, occasionally filling in for the Commandant when he could not attend or was late for a meeting.
Tim takes photos at events when nobody else is doing so. This enables us to better promote our detachment through social media.
For the last several months, our detachment has been without an adjutant. Tim has filled this void by recording the meeting minutes, transcribing them at home, and then sending them out to the detachment. This is a task that he has taken on for the simple reason that it needs to be done and nobody else wants to do it.
Tim went above and beyond the call of duty when he and his family opened up their house to the detachment for a winter holiday party. He prepared fine food and drink, making sure that all guests felt welcome and were well fed. By taking charge of this activity, Tim supported the first clause of our mission statement:
Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship
Tim is an excellent Marine and we hope that he will continue to be an active member of our detachment for many years to come.
Marlin Benton, Jr.
On February 27, 2017, our newest member signed on...Marlin Benton, Jr. Marlin is a former EA-6 Prowler aviator. He served in Iraq and Afghanistan before retiring as a Colonel. Welcome aboard Marlin!