For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.
Meeting minutes for 2021
Veterans Gala
On Friday, November 12, 2021, our detachment gathered for a Veterans Gala in the back room of Mission BBQ in Ellicott City. This was to celebrate both Veterans Day and the 246th birthday of the Marine Corp. A cake cutting ceremony took place, General John A. Lejeune's birthday message was read, a message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps was also read, and various speakers spoke. Donations were collected by Bailey's Bundles to send to deployed troops.
One of our event speakers was Paul Rivers. This former Marine was present in Beirut, Lebanon on October 23, 1983 when two truck bombs struck the barracks where he was staying. Paul was trapped in between two structural beams for several hours before he was rescued. He described what he heard and saw once he woke up. Paul is dedicated in the fight for the prevention of veteran suicides.
Following the speakers, Maryland Department Commandant, Howard Koontz, recognized the Marines in the room.
In Marine tradition, the birthday cake was cut with the first pieces given to the oldest and youngest Marines present, Lou Schott and Jesus Tapia, respectively.
We sang our hymn. On the left is Reverend Ann Ritonia. Ann served in the Marine Corps and retired as a Major. Her husband Mike, also a Marine, was also in attendance.
On the left in uniform is Curtis Atkins. In uniform to his right is Kevin Oliver. On the far right is Dottie Atkins, Curtis' wife.
Jesus Tapia with his family.
Veterans Day Parade
On Sunday, November 7, 2021, six Marines walked in the Veterans Day parade in Columbia, Maryland: Jesus Tapia, Bill Swain, Kevin Oliver, Curtis Atkins, Tim Paulin, and Tom Howard. Ed Hall was also there and drove his jeep.
Here's Curtis in a military in Humvee.
Just before step off, our group posed for a pic. From left to right are Bill, Kevin, Jesus and Tom Howard. Tom is a Vietnam-era Marine who served from 1966 to 1968 and now lives near Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
A little girl rang the ship's bell on the Columbia Lakefront. Kevin rang the bell during the lengthy ceremony following the parade.
Here's a picture provided courtesy of Staff Sergeant Minardi.
Pre-meeting Cookout
On July 27, 2021, we had a pre-meeting cookout on the deck of the Yingling-Ridgely VFW & Auxiliary Post 7472. With the warm weather, we figured it was a great way to socialize and enjoy some cameraderie, while holding our meetings in a safer environment than being indoors. Note that the delta variant of the Coronavirus is gaining momentum.
Jesus Tapia earns the title of "Grill Sergeant."
Kevin Oliver gives the food two thumbs up.
Clarksville Independence Day Parade
On July 4, 2021, our detachment participated in the 12st Annual River Hill Independence Day Parade in Clarksville, Maryland to celebrate the 245th anniversary of our great country. We gathered at the Pointers Run Elementary School and stepped off at 0900.
County Executive Dr. Calvin Ball was the guest speaker.
In attendance were Bill Swain, Michael Blum, Mike Betts, Kevin Oliver, Ed Hall, Curt Atkins, and Tim Paulin.
This cannon shown below is a gift to American Legion Post 156 from Legionnaire Tom Tozzini (Toz). Kevin Oliver had the honor of firing one of the six shots that morning.
Commandant Bill Swain and Senior Vice Commandant Tim Paulin carry our detachment banner.
Mike Betts drives our motivational Jeep.
That's Kevin Oliver, our 2005-2006 Commandant, leading the way.
Memorial Day Ceremony
On May 30, 2021, our detachment participated in a Memorial Day ceremony at Saint John's Episcopal Church at 9120 Frederick Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042.
Originally called Decoration Day, from the early tradition of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths and flags, Memorial Day is a day for remembrance of those who have died in service to our country. It was first widely observed on May 30, 1868 to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers, by proclamation of Gen. John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of former Union sailors and soldiers.
- from PBS - The History of Memorial Day
Commandant Bill Swain and Past Commandant Mike Betts prepare to lead the Howard County Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) and Civil Air Patrol (CAP) members to the ceremony location in front of the monument and flag. Bill presented the flag to the CAP who raised the flag, and then lowered it to half-staff.
The flag is displayed at half-staff as a sign of respect or mourning.
Marine Corps League National Executive Director Mike Blum delivers the keynote speech, commemorating veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
Bill Swain, former Marine Major Reverend Ann Ritonia, and Mike Blum place a wreath at the memorial.
Reverend Ann Ritonia gives retired WWII Colonel Lou Schott a blessing.
The Gary W. Hanna Memorial is
Dedicated to the men of Howard County who gave their lives in Vietnam.
Roses at Mission BBQ
On May 29, 2021, our detachment gave out Marine Corps League roses in front of Mission BBQ, 3410 Plumtree Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21042. Shown below from left to right are Curtis Atkins, Mike Betts, Bill Swain, and Jesus Tapia.
Post-Election Unrest and POTUS Inauguration 2021
On January 6, 2021, a riot and violent attack took place at the United States Capitol which led to the evacuation and lockdown of the Capitol, and five deaths. Following this event, leaders of some of the local veterans organizations issued a statement regarding their stance on post-election unrest and the upcoming January 20, 2021 inauguration.
"These are the times that try men's souls"
-Thomas Paine
This simple quotation from one of our Founding Fathers, Thomas Paine, reflected the sentiment shared by many citizens in 1775, and may reflect your feelings today. Veterans who took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States may have an instinct to "ride to the sound of the guns" and leap to action. However, this is not the time for impulsive actions and our mission should not be on this current political battlefield.
At this time, it is imperative that we uphold the oath we took and fulfill our mission to serve our fellow citizens and defend the U.S. Constitution by lawful discussion and peaceful protest, if that is in your heart. It is not the time for aggressive or impetuous action. It is a time to come together and examine our role as Veterans and citizens and find the path to unity and service under our Constitution. It is time to universally condemn all violence and any suppression of the rights guaranteed to us as U.S. citizens.
The American Legion National Commander James W. "Bill" Oxford, USMC, unequivocally condemned the January 6, 2021 attacks on the U.S. Capitol and called for law and order to be quickly restored in Washington, saying:
"The Capitol is the people's house. An attack on the Capitol is an attack on all of us."
The American Legion, VFW, MCL and others have condemned violence by any group, including prior attacks on our cities and the latest attack on our Capitol. Whether the violence is inflicted by right-leaning groups, left-leaning groups, or unaffiliated civilians, it is never acceptable.
This is not how we do things in America. We believe in civil discourse to resolve our differences. The entire Veteran Family proudly stands with the law enforcement officers and National Guard members who are risking their lives to restore safety. We should not make their jobs any more dangerous or difficult. Now is the time to stay calm, let these scenarios play out until we find the right peaceful approach to regain faith and stability.
American Legion Post 156, Commander
American Legion Post 300, Commander
VFW Post 7472, Commander
Marine Corps League Detachment 1084, Commandant
The Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a similar statement.