For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.
Meeting minutes for 2020
200-yard Rifle Shoot
On November 8, 2020, our detachment sponsored a 200-yard rifle shoot at the Associated Gun Clubs (AGC) of Baltimore, 11518 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104. There were about 16 shooters in attendance, including Curtis Atkins, Ed Hall, retired Colonel Lou Schott, and Tim Paulin. All contestants received a challenge coin from the Colonel.
High score was 136 out of a possible 200.
Retired Colonel Lou Schott takes a bench-rest shot while Ed Hall and Marine Captain John Richards look on.
Sixth Annual Howard County Veterans Day Parade
On November 8, 2020, our detachment participated in a socially distant small military vehicle parade to celebrate Veterans Day.
2020 was "The Year of the Woman" where women veterans and military family members were highlighted. The emcee for this event was Ms. Jamie Gillette, a veteran spouse. In addition, Captain Wanda Riddle (U.S. Navy, retired) led us in a ceremony to honor our Veterans.
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball spoke:
Howard County is home to more than 22,000 veterans, who served our country with conviction and courage. Our veterans deserve our support and appreciation every day of the year, especially as many of our veterans may be more isolated this year during the pandemic. I encourage residents to join us online as we give our thanks to our veterans for their sacrifices and dedication to the betterment of our community and country.
Stephen Kovalchik waves hello.
Bill Swain ready for action.
Saint John's
In front of Saint John's Episcopal Church, there is a plaque listing the names of several Howard County veterans including that were killed in Vietnam, including Adams, Hanna and Moore, the namesakes of American Legion Post 156. Troy Joslin, a member of both the church and the post, organized a memorial ceremony with Reverend Ann Ritonia, a former Marine, and our own Ed Hall. Our detachment participated in this event on November 7, 2020.
Local veteran service organizations and the Scouts of Troop 305 raised the American flag, where a plaque resides that recognizes several Howard County veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Standing at attention are (from left to right) Scout Master Dave Maas of Troop 305, Mike Betts, Curtis Atkins, and Stephen Kovalchik.
Our detachment commandant, Bill Swain, says a few words to mark the occasion.
From left to right are Bill Swain, Jonathan Branch (Post 156 Chaplain), Mike Betts, and Curtis Atkins.
Birthday Cookout
On November 6, 2020, our detachment celebrated the Marine Corps birthday at Ed Hall's house with a cookout and birthday cake cutting ceremony.
Mike Betts contemplates deep thoughts about what it is to be a Marine.
A Marine birthday celebration just wouldn't be the same without a cake.
Gathered outside for drinks, smokes, festivities, celebration, and camaraderie.
245th Marine Corps Birthday Cake Cutting
Our own Colonel Lou Schott was invited to Marine Barracks at 8th & I for the 245th cake cutting ceremony.
Flag Retirement
On October 17, 2020, our detachment participated in a flag retirement ceremony, ensuring that our nation's flag is retired with all the respect and dignity it deserves.
Colonel Schott birthday visit
On August 10, 2020, our own retired Marine Colonel Lou Schott celebrated his 100th birthday. A drive-by parade in his honor took place the day prior. But on his actual birthday, our detachment showed up at his house for something a little more personal.
At 0800 our bugler played Reveille and the Colonel wandered out onto his back porch to see what the hell that noise was. Waiting for him was a squad of about 20 Veterans and several neighbors, singing Happy Birthday. We then enjoyed a breakfast of S-O-S and fried potatoes. Then the obligatory toast (fine scotch) to the Colonel and the Corps.
Lining up to sing the Marine Hymn as Colonel Schott walks out on his back deck.
Raising a toast to the Colonel with some good Scotch.
Happy Birthday Lou!
Colonel Schott drive-by birthday parade
Our own retired Colonel Louis J. Schott turned 100 years old on Monday, August 10, 2020. We decided to hold festivities on the day prior. So how do Marines honor one of our finest during the Coronavirus pandemic? We adapt and overcome with masks and/or social distancing.
The Colonel was recognized with a drive-by parade at the American Legion Post 223 in Sykesville, Maryland. Attendees were told to socially distance themselves, not approach the Colonel, and wear face masks.
For more information about retired Colonel Louis J. Schott, see
Marines - Sharing heritage and history: Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion learn about battle of Okinawa, shoot WWII firearms
Capital Gazette - Fort Meade: Battalion receives heritage and history lesson from WWII vet
The Colonel's birthday cake.
Senior Vice Commandant Tim Paulin with a cardboard cutout of Colonel Schott at the lounge of American Legion Post 223.
The event was reported by the media, CBS Baltimore - Sykesville Community Celebrates World War II Veteran Turning 100 With Drive-By Parade.
Adjutant Curtis Atkins shows his esprit de corps in the drive-by parade.
Saluting the colors. On the left in the yellow cover is former National Marine Corps League Executive Director Michael A. Blum.
Howard County Executive Dr. Calvin Ball declared August 10, 2020 to be "Colonel Louis J. Schott Day." On his Facebook page, Dr. Ball wrote:
It was a great honor to attend the 100th birthday celebration for Colonel Louis J. Schott at the American Legion Sykesville Memorial Post 223...We are grateful for his years of service to our community, and our country.
Raising a champagne glass to the birthday boy.
At the end of each day I want 6 BARs accounted for...
Senior Vice Commandant Tim Paulin toasts our guest of honor.
The Colonel was honored with rifle and cannon fire.
Junior Vice Commandant Jesus Tapia with family and friends.
Much of this event was masterminded by American Legion Post 156 Commander Colonel Ed Hall, USMC retired.
Colonel Schott cuts his birthday cake. He recited the USMC birthday tradition of the first slices going to the oldest and youngest Marine present.
Larry Gourdine
On January 28, 2020, our detachment welcomed Vietnam Veteran, Larry Gourdine, as our newest member. Semper Fi!
