For more historical photos, see the Golf Tournament Page and the Scholarship Page.
Meeting minutes for 2015
Christmas Party
On Thursday, December 17, 2015, our detachment joined the American Legion - Adams, Hanna, Moore Memorial Post 156 at the Yingling-Ridgely Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Auxiliary Post 7472 for their annual Christmas party. They organized a buffet dinner catered by Mission BBQ. There was live music and raffle drawings. Michael Bechetti, Gordon MacPhee, Stan Brosky, Saki, and spouses were present along with about a couple dozen members from the American Legion.
The Legion collected supplies to send to the troops which were placed under their Christmas tree.

From left to right: Michael Bechetti, Stan Brosky, and Gordon MacPhee.

Michael Bechetti was asked by the M.C. to draw a winning raffle ticket. Prizes included gift baskets and cash from a 50/50.

Toys-for-Tots Participation
On November 28 and 29, December 6, 12, and 13, 2015, our detachment teamed together with the Elkridge Young Marines to greet shoppers in front of the Toys-R-Us at 6100 Dobbin Road in Columbia. We answered questions about the Toys-for-Tots program and encouraged them to make a donation by either purchasing a toy for a less fortunate child or by making a cash donation. Once again, Bill Pastino led this effort which allowed us to collect about 2000 toys!
From left to right are members of the Young Marines: Mark Elton (leader), Robert, and Nick.

Our November monthly meeting was held at the Yingling-Ridgely VFW & Auxiliary Post 7472. For many of us, this was a new experience. After we met in the basement, we headed up to the bar on the main floor for socializing.
From left to right are Michael Bechetti (who joined that day), Gordon MacPhee, Mike Betts, Bill Swain, Kevin Oliver, Danny Rotondo, and DJ.

Ellicott Mills Brewing Company Veterans Day Celebration
On Sunday, November 8, 2015, Bill Pastino led our detachment's "thank you" to all veterans by hosting a free lunch at the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company in Historic Ellicott City.
This was a time for friends to get together. Shown below are Doug Putt and DJ.

Detachment Commandant Mike Betts addressed the veterans, their families, and friends.

The United States Marines was born on November 10, 1775. To celebrate our 240th birthday, a cake cutting ceremony was held. The oldest and youngest Marines present were recognized with the first piece of cake.

Juan Aguirre won a fundraiser raffle for a cornhole set. There were two sets available and as grand prize winner, he got first choice. Proceeds went to benefit the Marines Helping Marines program and the detachment.

Marching Through History: A Tribute to Veterans
On Saturday, November 7, 2015, Mike Betts, Kevin Oliver, Saki, and the three Bills (Pastino, Swain, and Brooks) met in the Historic District of Ellicott City to march in a Veterans Day parade. Several organizations participated including the local fire department, American Legion, Army National Guard, Howard County Veterans and Military Families Commission, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Howard County High School cadets, and a collector automobile club.
Local politicians make opening remarks, thanking the 427,068 veterans in Maryland for their sacrifices. Among those who spoke were District One Councilman Jon Weinstein, Delegate Bob Flanagan, and County Executive Alan Kittleman.

The fire department and automobile club prepare for the parade.

Our detachment, ready to march!

Welcome Stephen!
On October 27, 2015, Stephen Kovalchik joined our detachment. We are always happy to have new members and we're hopeful to see a lot more of Stephen in years to come.
Commandant Mike Betts swears in Stephen while Guy Hall, a visiting member from the Anne Arundel County detachment, watches.

Ellicott Mills Brewing Company Fall Festival
On September 26, 2015, Bill Pastino led our detachment in a fundraising and recruiting effort in Historic Ellicott City just outside the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company. Raffle tickets were sold to win two cornhole games. Several hundred people filled the area to take part in the Main Street Music Festival. About 60-70 bands performed. Raffle tickets sold for $2 each, $5 for 3, or $10 for 7. First prize received their choice for the below cornhole sets while second prize received the set remaining. Proceeds went to benefit the Marines Helping Marines program and the detachment.
Bill Pastino and Bill Swain with the Maryland flag cornhole set.

Saki and Bill Swain with the American flag cornhole set.

28th Annual Savage Fest
On Saturday, June 6, 2015, the town of Savage had their annual community festival, called Savage Fest. The origins of this date back to the 1920s with a similar celebration called "Savage Days."
Last year was our first year of participation, where we sold grilled Italian sausages. This year, we tried Polish and Italian sausages made by Ostrowski's in Fell's Point, Baltimore. We also had a "Semper Fi" meal comprised of a sausage, chips, and drink for $8. Veterans who sang their hymn got a dollar off. At least half the net profits went to support our detachment scholarship and/or the Marines Helping Marines program.
County Executive Allan Kittleman stopped by to say hello.
We had several organizations that provided generous corporate support:
- Triple Nines Bar and Billiards: Assisted with food storage.
- H&S Bakery in Annapolis Junction: Donated rolls
- Wegman's in Columbia: Donated $100 gift card.
- Harris Teeter in Columbia: Donated $50 gift card.
- Weis in Laurel: Donated $25 gift card.
- Giant Food: Donated $25 gift card.
In attendance were (from left to right) Chuck Casey, Mike Betts, Gordon MacPhee, Bill Brooks, Bill Swain, Kevin Oliver, and Saki. Saki organized detachment participation but had his own chicken booth at the festival which he had to run. Not shown is Stan Brosky.

Kevin and Chuck manning the grills. "Hot meat. Look out!"

Kevin and Gordon serving hungry festival attendees.

Photo taken by Teresa, a happy customer.

Saki, Kevin, and Chuck.
Department of Pennsylvania Pistol Match
From Friday, May 29 to Sunday, May 31, 2015, several members of our detachment participated in the Department of Pennsylvania Service Pistol Match at Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. The military weapons authorized for the match are the .45 ACP Government models 1911, 1911-A, 1911-A1, the .38 special 6 shot revolver models 10, 12 and 13 M&P and the 9MM 92S and 92F.
In attendance were (from left to right) Kevin Oliver, Danny Rotondo, DJ, Bill Brooks, and Mike Betts. Not shown is Doug Putt, who took the photo.

Kevin looking like he shot well.

Checking targets.

Doug Putt and DJ taking a break.
Howard County Veterans Resource Fair
The Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families sponsored this event on May 19, 2015 at the Miller Branch of the Howard County Library. The resource fair hosted over 25 different organizations, businesses, and nonprofits dedicated to providing services, support, and jobs to veterans. Our detachment was one of the organizations represented. Our own Mike Blum was one of two guest speakers.
In the below photo, National Executive Director Mike Blum (far right) and Commandant Mike Betts (second from right), join forces with representatives from the American Legion, Adams, Hanna, Moore Memorial Post 156.
Swearing in of new officers
After having served three consecutive years as detachment Commandant, Gordon MacPhee decided to step down. Mike Betts stepped up and volunteered to serve as Commandant once again after having served previously in 2002-2003, 2008, and 2009. Mike has also served as an elected officer at the department (i.e. state) level. With his extensive experience, the detachment will surely do well.
The outgoing Commandant (Gordon MacPhee) is shown on the left swearing in the following new officers shown from left to right after Gordon:
- Saki: Judge Advocate
- Bill Swain: Senior Vice Commandant
- Mike Betts: Commandant
- Bill Pastino: Junior Vice Commadant